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Doula birth support

It is an honor to witness the birth of a family.

I am here for you and your partner during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. Every mother's care is unique. Together we look at what is needed and I tailor my support to your wishes, needs and background.

I look forward to meeting you! 

Different packages

As a doula I offer continuous support to you and your partner during pregnancy, childbirth and the period afterwards. I offer this in different packages; a 'first time parent' package and a 'parent again' package, so that you can choose how much attention and guidance works for you. All packages can be expanded with separate options or longer sessions; for example pregnancy massage(s), baby massage course or professional birth photography. If, despite the various options, you have other wishes, I would be happy to discuss them.

The payment for the doula services is divided into 2 or 3 invoices, but is paid no later than the 36th week of pregnancy. You will receive the first invoice after the intake session.

If the costs are a problem for you, please contact me anyway, and we will discuss your options and possibly a payment arrangement. Tip: Check with your employer whether you have a personal budget or training budget. 

If you want me last minute (after 35 weeks) as your doula during your delivery, I can only support you if my schedule allows it and at an additional cost of 200,- incl. VAT. This is because I have to prepare you as good as possible for your birth in a very short time and I want to build a trustworthy relationship with you and your partner. If sessions are canceled because you give birth before all prenatal sessions have been given, we will look for the best solution together. For example, postpartum support, a belly binding treatment or a baby massage course.


What can you expect from me as your birth 



'Parents again' 



If I am your birth doula, I will guide you during your pregnancy and I will be present at all times during the birth. You can expect the following during this process: 

  • Free and non-binding introduction via Zoom (40 min) to see if it clicks, preferably with your partner present.

  • Intake session of 1-1.5 hours with the expectant mother alone, via Zoom or in-person in my  practice.

  • 1 session of 1.5 to 2 hours about what is 'natural childbirth' in the Netherlands and to start writing your birth plan/intentions. 

  • 2 sessions of 1.5 hours with many practical tips for the partner and focus on relaxation, massage, breathing exercises, OFP and (pushing) postures. 

  • 1 session of 1 hour to prepare for the postpartum period + receive a postpartum plan

  • (Phone) presence at a midwife appointment (if desired)

  • Help writing a birth plan

  • 1 (online) session towards the end of the pregnancy in which we go through everything again. 

  • During the entire period I am available for questions by email, whatsapp and phone. 

  • Free use of rebozo & TENS device.

  • 24/7 'on call' from 38 weeks of pregnancy, to be present at your delivery within an hour. 

  • Continuous support during the entire delivery, from the active phase to a few hours after birth.

  • A 1-hour postpartum visit, within 2 weeks of giving birth. You will receive all photos and possibly videos I made during your delivery.  

  • Final catch up in the fourth trimester. 

Package price 3250,- 

All costs are incl. VAT, excluding any travel costs of 0.29 cents per km and parking costs, which will be afterwards billed.

In addition, there is the possibility to expand the packages with a number of separate options, including pregnancy massage, baby massage course or postpartum support. If you have any other wishes please do not hesitate to ask. 

Ideally we start around 20-25 weeks of pregnancy, later is also possible, if my agenda allows. 

I would be happy to tell you more during a free and non-binding introductory meeting. 

You can expect the following of the 'parents again' package: 

  • Free and non-binding introduction via Zoom (40 min) to see if it clicks, preferably with your partner present.

  • Intake interview of 1-1.5 hours with the expectant mother alone, via Zoom or in-person in my coaching practice. 

  • 2 sessions of 1.5 hours with many practical tips and/or to process a previous experience. If requested, special focus on VBAC (vaginal birth after a caesarean.  

  • 1 session of 1 hour to prepare for the postpartum period + receive a postpartum plan

  • 1 partner session close to the due date. 

  • During the whole period I am available for questions by email, whatsapp and telephone. 

  • Free use of rebozo & TENS device.

  • 24/7 'on call' from 38 till 42 weeks of pregnancy to be present at your delivery within an hour. 

  • Continuous support during the entire delivery, from the active phase to a few hours after birth.

  • A 1-hour postpartum visit, within 2 weeks of giving birth. You will then receive all photos and possibly. videos I made during your delivery.   

  • Final catch up in the fourth trimester. 

I am here for you, your partner and your (unborn) baby!

Below you can read in more detail what you can expect from my high-end birth guidance.

Before giving birth

During pregnancy, we will meet at your home and go through everything you want to know at that moment. We talk about your birth wishes, fears, expectations and I give practical tips. Together we work on your birth plan (aka communication plan) and formulate it so clearly  possible. During each session I give you postural suggestions for before, during and after delivery. We also discuss how you came into the world and what this has to do with you  future graceful . You get a postpartum  preparation session including a handy planning document, so that you are well prepared for the period after your birth. There is also a  partner meeting so that I really have time for the wishes, fears and  to ask  from your partner.  

How often we meet depends on your wishes and the package you choose. Together we will embark on this special adventure.

Every delivery is unique, for me as well as for you and everyone else you will meet during your pregnancy and delivery.

It is up to you to prepare as best you can. Find the help you think you need on this exciting journey.

I will get to know you in a few sessions and imprint your wishes well. I will also tell you honestly if something is not realistic.  

Participate in a good course,  inform yourself about the different birthing options and take good care of your body, soul and spirit.

Consciously preparing for your birth and going through it consciously, that will make you more relaxed and aware because of your  birth  going. And that is beneficial for you, your child and your partner!

I support you with love on this path.  

I can tell you everything about giving birth in the Netherlands and I can refer you to specialists, if necessary. And if I don't have the answer, I'd be happy to investigate it with you. I know a lot about having a child,  but I did not give birth to your child. I can suggest different poses and help you remember everything you've learned to deal with the heaviness of childbirth. You will have to do it yourself. I support you, encourage you and will be there for you. I will encourage you to clearly formulate your wishes, to speak out, even during difficult moments. If you don't feel like talking all I can do is try to read your mind. If you open up, I can really be there for you.

Physical and emotional well-being 

I work according to a holistic vision, which assumes that everything is connected and that we women are born to give birth.  From this vision I strive for a birth with as little as possible  medical  interventions. (Note! I am not against medical interventions or pain relief) The emphasis is on a pregnant woman's physical and emotional well-being so that she can  childbirth at rest and  of  to trust  going towards. We do this through breathing and  awareness exercises, which teach you to relax and to reflect on what you are experiencing. You will also learn a number of postures to help you  disclosure  to speed up. You get breathing tips that can help you with your  contractions  to go.  

Optimal Fetal Positioning 

By focusing on the optimal position of your baby both before and during delivery, you have a chance of a faster, less painful delivery. You will learn these techniques (OFP) in the 3rd trimester of your pregnancy. Also check out the website of  for more  information  and  what  these exercises could do for you.  

During childbirth

During the  for contractions  we are in close contact and I will come to you when necessary. During your active  phase  I am continuously there and I coach you through it. Remind you of breathing techniques and pain-relieving  attitudes and things. If desired, I provide massage,  acupressure or aromatherapy, so that you can stay in your power as much as possible.  Also  I support your (birth) partner with his/her emotions around childbirth and with massage techniques, to apply to you. Together we are there for you and we protect the quiet atmosphere in order to give birth pleasantly. In other words, holding the space.  

If you want pain relief, I will ensure that your body, soul and mind cooperate with a rapid dilation. Each form of pain medication is associated with different hospital rules and every woman reacts differently to medication. Because I am aware of the protocols, we can strive for the best possible treatment for you and your child in consultation with the hospital staff.

The pain relief does not stop your hard work. I help your body and mind remember what to do, in the peace that pain relief can provide.

I remind the birth team of your birth wishes. In consultation we create the most pleasant environment possible, in which you feel safe and seen and heard.

If an (emergency) operation is necessary, I will stay with you in the OR,  provided the  anesthesiologist well  finds . A caesarean section is a tough operation and I can guide you and your partner during and after the  operation .  After your baby is born and has to leave the cold OR with your partner, you will remain on the operating table. As a doula I will keep you informed and give you extra rest and attention.  

Of course I also take pictures, if desired. I respect your wishes about what you do and do not want to see photographed.


After birth 

I will visit you within 8 to 14 days after the delivery to see how you are doing, this is the postpartum visit. In which we look back on the birth and you  will have access to all photos and any videos I took of the birth and after.

After the maternity assistant has left and you go through life as a new mother, life will return to normal.  At least, that's how it seems to the outside world. However, nothing is the same for you. You have become a mother of a beautiful child and that can be quite (in) exciting and you can sometimes feel alone and insecure. I can also mean a lot to you during this period.  If you need it, as a postpartum doula I can help you prepare for the period after the birth during your pregnancy. In the period after the birth I offer (holistic) postpartum support, for physical, psychological and emotional support to promote your recovery. I mainly take care of you and then you can take good care of your child. This also promotes bonding with your child.  Click here for more information about postpartum support.

Reviews from mothers 

Always nice to read the experience of other mothers about someone's service. 

Below are some reviews and thank you cards.  

Review baby Charles_edited.jpg

Additional coaching and/or massage therapy

Do you want separate and / or extra coaching/massage sessions to be more relaxed?

Not a problem! Do you have another idea or questions , I like to think along!

Get in contact for the possibilities or plan a free get together

Opportunities for cost savings

My coaching or massages are not reimbursed by health insurance. However, there are some other options.

Want to feel more relaxed and confident?

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